Surrounded by the CVNWR except for a few surrounding slopes. Elsewhere in stands of this community there is more cover by cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos). See plots CVWR.12,13,14,16.;Appears successional, either short term from hydrological changes (beaver?), or long term (logging). Heavy use by ATV's. This used to be very close to the route of the Blackwater 100 motorcycle race. The disturbance is obvious on the ground and can be seen on the arial photography.
Representative of a Sphagnum bog in the center of the valley, between toeslope and the river. Distinct from alder and aspen bands. Matrix community with pockets of Carex and rush stands.
The logging disturbance is historic. The trails are created by ATV's some are left over from the motorcycle race which was discontinued in the mid 1990's. However some of the locals still ride illegally in the valley.